Thursday, August 23, 2007

Later Skaters

Tomorrow night is my last night working at KOTM. Mixed feelings. It has been the best second job I've ever had. Maybe the only second job. For that reason- second jobs suck. You are already knackered from your first eight hours. Then you gotta care about someone/thing else for another four? That's tough for someone as self absorbed as me. I need ME time and this second job eats it all up. But as far as second jobs go this one has been the shizzle. I get to update m'blog, read celebrity gossip, stalk people on face book and finish homework. Sometimes.
Also, I get a good feeling knowing there are high caliber people out there who volunteer on a weekly basis. I sit here at reception and smile at their good deeds, all the while sampling books and music on ebay. Then lock up after they go. It's cush. So cush that two of my coworkers from my day job are duking it out over who gets to inherit my position when I've gone. I should maybe barter with them for the job. Or something. Like that scene in Fever Pitch where Jimmy Fallon ( mmmmm, Jimmy Fallon) makes his mates dance for ball game ticks.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you could have a contest to see which friend is faster at calling security just in case anything sets the alarm off.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I can't help it. It's the only thing I can joke about with that job.

Anonymous said...

I totally won...It wasn't even a competition.