Monday, August 20, 2007

Ode to Sisters

Bunny sent me this picture in an email last week with the following caption. 'These two girls were taking respite in the lounge of a bathroom at a party, the girl in blue suffering from a broken heart and the girl in the red there to comfort. (Her mother made the red dress for her) their cousin shot the picture after stumbling upon them.' Le sigh.


Unknown said...

A slightly less poetic caption for this picture: "Hash and Rehash"

leslie said...

this post perfectly illustrates one of the reasons i feel so compelled to adopt... to ensure that elle gets a sister. now we've just gotta convince joe!!! see you soon!

leslie said...

just came back to look at that smashingly gorgeous pic again. love the pattered couch against the textured wall... and those dresses! all fab.