Friday, August 10, 2007

The Last Frontier

I was welcomed home from Alaska with an overflowing work inbox and a health hazard kitchen. My roomate's eyes widened in surprise when she insisted that she cleaned and the place was sparkling only two days before.....two days, she promises. Urgh.

But Alaska was fabuloska. My favorite bit was the hike underneath a mammoth glacier to some dripping ice caves. Also, the clouds come down the mountains and envelope the ferny forest to the point that I was sure that Darcy was going to come striding through the mist, coat tails flapping, shirt partially open, to claim me. Then I would never have had to return to my job or disgusting kitchen. I'll post some pics as soon as I get them. Have to. Dev has discreetly informed me that nobody wants to read a blog without pictures.

Babs and I laughed and gossiped and danced and hiked and laughed some more. We are both bruised from multiple falls on the hike. High amounts of rain fall = moss and mold and slime + us not paying attention due to attempted Southern Accents means actual bodily harm.

In closing, I wish to point out the exquisite intelligence of the salmon: they swim back to the exact spot they were born at to spawn. Sometimes extremely far distances. We're talking from Hawaii back to the waters of Juneau. WTH!?! Seriously smart fish. Oh, and I also got teary eyed upon seeing an acutal whale tale during a whale watch. It was magnificent.


Deven and Eva said...

Yes! I must go to Alaska now. The Salmon are very smart, maybe that has something to do with why they taste so good. I'm Glad it was such a spiritual experience for you.

leslie said...

yay, you made it back! sounds like a fabo trip.... can't wait to hear and SEE more!!!!