Monday, July 16, 2007

Reference Page

This being my maiden post I feel I should give credit where it is deserved. The title of this blog was nicked from a Diana Krall/Elvis Costello song. If you haven’t checked it you are missing out. If you are reading this Diana, don’t sue me. I love you and your work. I’m shamelessly plugging your album here - cut me some slack eh? Anyway, I chose this title for many reasons, most of which aren’t thoroughly thought through yet and so I’ll save that for another post. Suffice it to say that from here on I shall refer to it as GTOR.
Yes, I realize that merely stands for Girl. The. Other. Room. Take it or leave it. It sounds better.

Speaking of music, my first official post is to find out what people think of Nina Simone. I realize that the fact that she is entirely new to me does say a certain something about my musical repertoire. It is shallow at best. But I’m trying to broaden my collection. Nina was mentioned on a friend’s blog and so I went to Amazon and listened to some samples. I really liked some of the tracks. Nina's voice makes me want to eat something rich. Was a bit apathetic on others. Perhaps that’s what itunes is for.

Note: Diana Krall/Elvis Costello and itunes are in no way backing this blog financially, emotionally or with bribes for free crap and/or hot cookies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nina Simone eh? I'll have to check her out. You know I've been in a music black hole since I've moved. I'll get back to you on her.