HOWEVER, I have secretly thought I had a melanoma buried deep in the delicate tissues of my bottom lip for at least twelve months now. In fact, I can remember quite accurately a day last November when I spent and entire aerobics class alternately bouncing around and wondering how anyone would ever love me once my lip had been removed. This cancer paranoia has persisted all summer egged on by an infrequent throbbing from that general area of my lip. But enough is enough. Yesterday I went to the dermatologist. I sought enlightenment and healing. Or at least validation.
Silly girl.
I got a quick cold-finger probing of my bottom lip followed by a rapid explanation about how dead cells sometimes never heal and then, before I could even ask what that miniature fire extinguisher thingy was used for, a blast of liquid nitrogen on the offending spot. I was told to call in a month if the problem persisted.
Now, a day later, my lip is doubled in size and throbbing like a drum.

I may have a fat lip but I finished the half marathon! GO ME! No more training hanging over my head. Thanks are in order. First, to Big Daddy and Lester for coming all the way from Denver to support me and run the race with me. Second to Pamchencko for riding all those miles on her bike and for all the Gatorade and steaks. And lastly 50 Cent, Stereophonics, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Beastie Boys for their musical genius.

Congrats. Training hard for a race and finishing is a great feeling.
Did you do any knee-ups for the dermatologist just so he could be sure the rest of you was healthy?
hilarious melanoma story heid!!! i have a rolling lymph node just under my chin that caused much stress over way too many years... now i have grey hair!
i have some more race pics for you.... i'll send them via e-mail.
btw, love the alaska pics!!!
You look like ONE HOT SWEATY SEXY BABE, seriously, not only did you do it but you looked HOT doing it!! (My sincerity should come across not only because I am sweet and pure and always sincere but because I've been reading your "wittyness" for months now and although I've been moved enough before to comment but I've never been willing to sign up to be able to leave a comment (tedious process, seriously) plus like I just finished explaining I'm pregnant and lazy and get will myself to do most anything. But when I've got a girlfriend that can look that sexy and beautiful after running a half, well this never done above a 5K girl needs to let her know!! GO YOU!
CONGRATS on being non cancerous and finishing the half. I can't wait for you to come and run a half in the Big D. The humidity kinda makes it like a biathlon as you swim through the air--you are going to love it.
We can't wait to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You look so beautiful even while running 13.1 miles. And to think you didn't even poop you pants--that should make you feel especially accomplished.
Congrats again!
you are a super wonder running woman - keep it up for that 178 mile whatever wasatch back run next year! I always, when the run is hard, tell myself "I've given birth how hard is this run really?" Now that you've run a 1/2 you can tell YOURSELF (in the future) "I've run a 1/2 so how hard is this birth really?"
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